Fuel Buzz
What's Eating Your Fuel System and Maintenance Budget? |
Sump / STP Protection Program
Steel Camel representatives are specialists in helping companies comply with 40CFR Part 280 for Underground Storage Tanks.
If your STPs have corrosion problems that, often, look like barnacles are growing then Steel Camel products can safely help you make them go away. We can help you extend life of the STP and help avoid downtime for repair. Great system for both contractors, tank testing companies, and station owners.
Click Links below to learn more.
Click Links below to learn more.
- Overview of STP Treatment Program and Approvals - Click Here
- Product Guide - Click Here
- Instructions for Cleaning / Treating STP - Click Here
- Documentation of Procedures with Pictures - Click Here
- Steel Camel Corrosion Treatment Methods Recognized by State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Click Here
Diesel Fuel
Slow Pumps? Lost Customers? Worried about the effects of corrosion eating away your costly fuel components....Way too many fuel filters... Paying too much for biocides, tank cleaning and fuel polishing, only to have the problems keep come back...If this rings a bell, let's talk about Steel Camel and WaterGuard Filters.
Another Quality Job and Results from Steel Camel Filter Buggy at Fuel Tank Rental and Sales Company in Bartow FL. Call for details.
Bio Diesel
Steel Camel has the tools to help you solve sludge and corrosion issues with Bio Diesel, particularly when sludge is present.
Should you have filters that are clogging........corrosion is not too far behind. Give us a call to review our many preventative maintenance solutions:
I Hate Fuel Injector Problems !!
Ouch, this hurts. It starts with a little black smoke, a few hard starts,
rough idling........next thing you know you have the dreaded downtime of fuel injector problems. Steel Camel works to prevent such problems by delivering clean dry fuel........that burns all the hydrocarbons. Steel Camel is pleased to announce our filters and filter buggies work to avoid problems on most high pressure common rail injectors including: AMBAC, BORG WARNER, BOSCH, DELPHI, DENSO, GARRETT, HOLSET, SCHWITZER, STANADYNE... Call today to learn how you can reduce carbon deposits and visits to the fuel injector shop! 813-877-4665 |
Diesel Equipment Rental
See presentation by Steel Camel for Rental Fleet Managers who experience blown fuel injectors, black smoke, hard starts and un-happy customers. Click Here
Fuel System and Tank Protection Program
Steel Camel Water Removing filters solve problems. This filters are particularly useful for busy diesel applications with multiple deliveries per week.
Water Blocking Kits for Manhole Covers, Sump and Spill Bucket Lids
Steel Camel presents the most aggressive front to block water from entering spill buckets, sumps and manholes with three innovative water blocking products.
Click here to view application and product guide: |
I Hate Petroleum Contaminated Water !!
Whether Vacuuming, Scooping, Storing Transporting, Hauling or Disposing of Petroleum Contaminated Water, most contractors, tank owners and inspectors don't like it......unless your are a disposal, dedicated hauler and treatment facility. Let Steel Camel show you a new and better way to block this contaminated water and help you comply with 40 CFR Part 280
Phase Separation in Ethanol Blended Fuels
Today's gasoline contains various degrees of Ethanol which is derived from organic material such as corn. While this fuel mixture helps lower emissions, it also can create trouble for tank owner in the form of a water / fuel mixture layer that develops towards the tank bottom. This is caused as the Ethanol attracts and hold water in suspension. As this layer forms and drops, it is often call "phase separation" layer which leads to:
Remidiation for Ethanol Blended FuelsWhile many of our find competitors bring in a huge truck, trailer and filtration system loaded with bell and whistles, Steel Camel does not. We feature our patented "Bond Breaker" cartridge filters which remove water from Ethanol blended fuels.
We couple this technology with simple technology:
Whether you are a fleet manager, a C Store Owner or a Marina, we offer a variety of solutions and configurations to help to control "phase separation in Ethanol blended fuels. Our units run from:
Prevention of Phase Separation in Ethanol Blended Fuels
Phase Separation can sneak up on the best of maintenance personnel and fleet managers, even if good housekeeping is practiced. While "sticking" the tank and checking your Automatic Tank Gauges are good practices, these techniques only tell you about accumulated water on the bottom of the tank.
Steel Camel feature water sensing dispenser filters that detect phase separation early in the process. The design of the filter will cause the center portions to swell and slow flow the filter, and eventually choke off before the phase separated layer is passed to the vehicle. Not all water detecting and choking are filters are created equally. To further prevent phase separation, quarterly , bi-annual or scheduled use of our filter carts will ensure emulsified water is removed to prevent the need for tank cleaning. |
Diesel Fuel Testing
Click here to watch Steel Camel and Warren Van Dongen from Eco Fuel Services review best practices to peform Do It Yourself Diesel Fuel Testing
Old Man Winter can cause some serious damage to Fuel Systems........not to mention a complete pain in the butt when fuel stops flowing. While there are many additives that claim to displace, disperse or incapsulate water, Steel Camel focus on blocking, removing and filtering. Please check out our 2023 price list of Winterization products. Click Here